Saturday, 10 March 2012

Champ 9: Yorick

Looks cool.
 I was bored with my usual champs and my good friend urged me to use Yorick since he was free. I did. At first,I was like "How the hell did other people build him so tanky while my Yorick is no beefier than a Xin Zhao?". Took me a while to create my own Off-Tank Yorick. Oh wait,its not too complete yet,since I've only had 2 good games with him and my decision to play him was sort of on-the-fly.

Core item early game? I used to follow my friend's opinion and went for a Doran's Blade but it wouldn't help much since I was constantly mana starved and couldn't spam my skills as often as I needed to. Then I went for mana regeneration items early on(Meki Pendant). Build it into a Manamune,get some boots,build my Trinity Force,and the rest is purely situational,although I mostly go for a Warmog's Armor if I'm having a good game.

I'm still feeling my way around his ultimate (Omen of Death) which creates a copy of the target allied champion,which is quite similar to Mordekaiser's ultimate (Children of the Grave) which creates a copy of the target enemy. The advantage of this ultimate was we could create a copy of them even if they're still alive. It means there could be 2 Jarvan's whacking on the enemy within his 'territory'(Cataclysm) if I ult-ed on Jarvan during his glorious moment. Awesome,isn't it?

And I'm still struggling to find a way to be consistent with his skills,when to use them,HOW to use them,realizing my own limitations and whatnot. I sort of enjoy Yorick when he's having a good game,I'll keep on using him for now.(Sorry,Sejuani)

First ever good game with Yorick! I believe this was my 2nd ever game with Yorick. I admit that I was lucky that the enemy was gullible and weren't as skillful,and also that I was lucky some of the times. Still,this game gave me a great preview as to how a fed Yorick could wreck the enemy team.

 Ahhhhhh..This was a game I truly enjoyed. You could tell that this was a monster game from me. Of course,things weren't as simple as 'I just had a solid game'. I was laning top with Wukong and Sona with my friend ( - Fiora). We got pressured early game and made a comeback minutes later into the game. While we started gaining momentum,the middle lane and bottom lane were being pressured. That's why our Fiora opted to give the other lanes a helping hand by ganking often. That left me alone at top lane. Sona noticed Fiora's ganks and went to other lanes to help out. Left me with Wukong to , 1-on-1 for the next 10 minutes at least.

During that stretch,I killed him twice and killed a fair amount of minions. I completed my Trinity Force and was far ahead of everyone else in terms of gold earned during that point of the game. I descended on the enemy team and gave them hell. The enemy team was fairly AD-heavy so I made a Warmog's Armor,Thornmail and Atma's Impaler as icing on the cake. They couldn't budge me,AT ALL. Their only hope of killing me was a 5-on-1,which worked 2 times. I was overconfident. :P

Yeah,Yorick's a fun dude,I'll stick with him for now. Stay tuned.

An arranged,5v5 normal game.Just look at our average assists man. Everyone had double-digit assists while I led the pack with 31. It was a real good game,no doubt.

Did what I could to help.
Stopping Yorick,for a while.

BACK!!!! God, Feeling awesome with the dead man here. (11/21/2012:)
Oh oh ohhh....!!

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