Saturday, 21 January 2012

Champ 3: Vladimir

Hey guys,after being done with Garen and Mordekaiser,I decided looking for another tanky champion that can wreak havoc (and get some assists too). Then,my friend told me Vladimir wasn't a bad choice, so I went ahead and bought him,since Dodge Runes were removed from the game and I was refunded a whipping 7,380 IP. Alright,enter..The Crimson Reaper.

I was actually interested in him because he didn't have any need for MP to cast his skills. In other words,he is a cooldown-reliant champion. My friend has criticised me for not being able to use any champion that needed MP and I tried to prove him wrong,but it didn't work out as good. Oh well,to hell with his opinions eh?

After playing 10 or 20 games,inclding AI games with Vladdie,I've somewhat gotten the hang of his skills,like the range,and how to use them. But something I still can't master is WHEN to use Sanguine Pool and WHEN to build up my "Tides of Blood" stacks. If I can figure out these things,then I'm one step closer to mastering the Crimson Reaper.

A good game that I'm having with Vladimir,which is quite rare,for now.
Quite happy with this match.Heck,I'm happy as long as I don't die unnecessarily and the Top/Bottom lanes don't drag me down. I don't really care about the Kills as long as my score isn't negative,and I love racking up assists ^_^

What else to say? I'm carrying man!
Great game,because Maokai and Malphite were taking the damage,and the enemy team converged on the 2 of them. Due to this, my Haemoplague could hit mostly all 5 of them,and leading to an Ace half of the time. Although I claim to be carrying,its more due to the fact that my Maokai friend was doing unusually great this game.

MmHmm sticking with Vladimir finally paid off :)

Had a GREAT night with Vladimir after my Reunion Dinner (I'm Chinese)..Must be due to the great food I had..Although I won half of them and lost half of them,my score was still positive for every game,which makes me very content with my current play..That doesn't mean I will stop improving though! Oh no,this is just the beginning :) I'm just going to get better,and better,and better. Over.

'Champion-High' 21 assists. :O
 This game wasn't bad at all,my brother (Mrfang221) was freaking awesome this match. Check out his Rammus. He can TANK,ASSIST,and even KILL. Damn,if he was this good every round,we'd be winning for days and never stop. Of course,I have to be doing as good as well,since 1 person can't possibly carry a team of 5..Barring my man LeBron,who carried Cleveland to the finals. ^^

Well,I've grown slightly weary of Vladimir,so that means I've semi-mastered my 3rd champion,including Mordekaiser and Garen,I'm moving on to a new champion now.When I'm back,its 'ranked' time! Believe it. ;) Hasta la Vista!

Sooooo satisfied.

Me and my man Emmanuel had the same items but my passive skill for Vladimir gave me the definitive edge in late-game carrying. Although I had to say his Malzahar was better during early-mid game. Well,shout for me MVP please. :P

I had a good team..and a good game! :D

Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Champ 2: Mordekaiser

Enter my favourite champion of the game , Mordekaiser. With this guy,I can perform miracles. I can make losing games into winning games,and even come back from an impossible situation,of course this isn't a 1-man game. We need some good supporting casts to stage a comeback,but whatevs. At one point,I didn't mind if I used this dude for the rest of my LoL gaming. But then my brother started to tell me that Mordekaiser was EASY.

I couldn't deny that,but I shouldn't have minded what he said either. I could have shrugged it off and pretended he never said that and continued dominating,but due to my large EGO.. So I've decided to semi-master 2 champions before coming back to take my Mordekaiser to the next level..I trust that I'm not the BEST Mordekaiser yet..since most Mordekaisers I met carried their team to victory..Leading me to think that I'm not that special..

For now,I'll play six straight games with Morde and I hope I can carry all six of them,blog about it here before I move on to my next champion (Thinking of Udyr,but maybe somone else..Jarvan/Sejuani/Shyvanna)

Game 1.

This game was a great way to start my 2-game exhibition. Had a great early game,scared the shit out of Ryze,made him play really passively. :P

Game 2.

Game 2 was as fun as the last one. Had Kassadin as my mid lane matchup. He was kind of relaxed when we first started ; Even when I used Siphon of Destruction on him several times he just shrugged them off with a potion and last hitting minions. When I hit level 4,I had my W skill,creeping death. As my health was 30%-ish, Kass felt confident and came in for the kill,I anticipated as much,readying my Exhaust-Ignite combo. Surprisingly enough,he also Exhaust-Ignited me. First time seeing someone besides me and my friends using that combo,on me. For that reason,the fight lasted 4 seconds but was quite cool,coming in my win of course.
This game , my team also wasn't bad,especially Lee Sin and Brand. They could handle themselves quite well. Pantheon and Gangplank were also okay,ulti-ing at the right times,at the right places.

It wasn't bad,my Mordekaiser record,barring the last game I played,since we had a bad start as a team. But at any case,this will be my last time using Mordekaiser for quite some time,I reckon. When I come back,I promise,I swear,I vow to improve my mastery of The Master of Metal,and enter the ranked games to wreak havoc with him.Until then,Ciao.

I thought I lost my touch in Mordekaiser,so I decided to play him and carry the team once just for the fun of it. Who knew,my comeback was sloppy as hell. (Talking about the 8/7/14 win)

Went to middle lane and was up against Vladimir. I misclicked at least 3 times , missing my Siphon of Destruction and Children of the Graves at crucial moments,each costing me a death and no kills. Then,I got freaking frustrated with myself..Why did I have to mind what others were talking about Mordekaiser being easy to master? Why should I have cared..??

This was a freaking hard game,but nearing the end,it got quite interesting for me. We had a bad Vayne and LeBlanc , who always died first during team fights and/or dying alone when overextending/farming. These 2 were supposed to carry us to victory ; I ended up carrying their incompetent asses,finally falling to defeat myself. This shows that I haven't lost my touch with the Master of Metal ; not yet,I just needed 1 match to warm-up.

This might have been the best arranged (5 v 5) game of my life thus far. Why? Listen. It's an 'arranged' game. Which means 5 people team up to fight another team of 5 people. If you team up under such circumstances,it means you're confident in winning and also in your team chemistry. That was the case for the enemy team. They came out strong,very strong. They dominated the top and bottom lanes (I was mid,as usual) and soon,the middle lane turret was not spared when the two side lanes were satisfied in destroying our side lane turrets.

This game almost turned into a blame-game. And the biggest blamer was I,ironically,when I told my friends not to blame each other if we lost the game. How could I be such big a hypocrite...??? Damn it! But my teammates did not give up on me nor on the game,even though I gave up on my teammates too,and was selfishly trying to force a win by thinking 'if I try hard enough,I can carry the whole team'....

The enemy team started becoming complacent / carried away. They were even so sure of themselves that they started asking us to 'surrender' on different occasions. I guess this was what sparked the flames of competition within my teammates,or maybe they were just such great players with a consistent mentality,in contrast to my flawed and 'streaky'  way of play.

The enemies arrogance / cockiness wasn't only evident when they asked us to surrender. Their positioning also started to become looser,which meant they weren't as cohesive as they were earlier in the game. Most of the time,only 3 of the 5 were glued to each other tightly,while the other 2 were farming on the top/bottom lanes. [ At that time,our team kills : 8 / enemy team kills : 22 ]

They had reason to be proud. They even got so confident that the 3 of them who stuck together decided to 'tank' turret shots and try to bring it down,even though the minion waves were already wiped out and all 5 of us were defending that very turret. It felt like we were being mocked.

Miss Fortune turned the tides,admirably. A well-aimed and well-timed ultimate from Miss Fortune made sure that all 3 of them took the brunt of the ultimate's damage. The 3 of them died,even though the fight was close. [ Team kills : Us(11),Enemy(22) ]

Even then,the enemy felt relaxed and played like they always have : 3 together,2 pushing side lanes. The same thing repeated itself. Miss Fortune got down another good ultimate,and killed 2 of the 3 players who were together. Then,the enemy slowly began to improvise. The two which were at their side lanes decided to help,and the tides turned in their favour once again. After some time... [ Us(20) , Enemy(27) ].

Things seemed hopeless again,as the 5 of them opted to return to becoming the cohesive 5-man unit that once crushed us completely early game. But..There was hope on our end. Miss Fortune was becoming fed,and her ultimate dealt more damage than it ever had. Me and Garen had to be the bait and steal the enemies' attention,while we got MF into a good position to initiate the ultimate.

Our strategy worked,thanks to Sona's well-used ultimate. We picked up our first ace. [ Us(25), Enemy(27)]. Even though we were catching up,they had the advantage in turret numbers,all of our outer turrets were broken while the only turrets of theirs we have broken were their first 3 outermost turrets. That's why we opted to request Malzahar to permanently stay out of combat and defend our fragile base from Super Minions.

Things just worked out for us that way,the 4 of us depended on each other with our lives,while Malzahar was doing a good job preventing the Super Minions from crushing our Nexus. Soon... [ Team Kill (44) Enemy (29) ] .

Imagine how big of a turnaround this had been for us! We only had 2 deaths in the final 10 minutes or so of the game,and they were dropping like flies. I kept singing words of praise to my teammates in an effort to apologize for being such an ass/hypocrite to them in the game when we were losing. Although I'm not sure whether or not they have forgiven me...I've tried my best to make up to them,and if that isn't enough,I won't hate. I'll just strive to lessen my mood swings as much as I can.

Lol.This was an epic win,wasn't it? Ehuehuehuehue. :D

Didn't quite know where to post this since Garen and Mordekaiser were involved in this. In case anyone was wondering,yeah there are no other games that I played 'in between' these 9 matches. What makes this blog-worthy is that I lost my first 2 matches once with each,Garen and Mordekaiser. After that,it was a 7-game win streak. Feast your eyes on domination.

Went on my longest ever killing streak with Mordekaiser(and even other champions,including Shyvanna) and my highest kill-count with Mordekaiser(31). Started the game slow by being ganked on,died twice and only got a lucky kill,making my score 1/2/0 (Kill/Assist/Death). Good things kept happening and I killed 30 without dying! From 1/2/0 >>>> 31/2/9. C-A-R-R-Y...Still,I remembered Zilean casting his ultimate on me which gave me a second chance,which I think was what I think turned the tides of the game. I carried out most of the killing and damage-dealing,but I still truly believe that it takes AT LEAST 3 people to win a game,which was,in this case,me,Malzahar,Zilean and maybe Lee Sin,but definitely NOT Fiora. :P

Wahaha carried.

28 team kills,I was there for 26 of them.

39 team kills,36 of them had my fingerprints all over them.
Nerve-wrecking game indeed. This time,we everyone(except Garen) was vital in the teamfight. Heck,during late game, we were frequently 4v5-ing the enemy while Garen was always doing his own stuff. And we won. Serious. We were the losing team but we could 4v5 the enemy and come out victorious. This proved how much of a weak link OUR Garen was to the team. Well,we won,so I don't wanna complain. Very awesome game for sure.

And here I thought my Mordekaiser was unbeatable in solo mid,I got my ass handed to me by a Ryze last game.(Going by the name of Kapten) After the loss we went on to another 5v5 and encountered the same team,but this time around,my friends were more serious about winning than ever. We got our revenge on Kapten (now Karthus),gave the enemy a taste of their own medicine (break all inhibs and turrets,letting super minions crumble their nexus). Overall,when we're serious,almost nothing can stop us,right?

We were losing by a ton,things started to open up when I started getting my items(fed) and we pulled out 2 aces in rapid succession.Yes,imagine the team kills to be 12 to 25 and things became 24 to 30. Enemy surrendered when they were aced the second time,they knew that I couldn't be stopped. =)

I might be stopping ; might be coming back,but either way,as of now,this will be my 'last game' in LoL. 619 wins,484 losses,and a ton of games played in Co-Op Vs.AI and custom games means 1.5K games played at LEAST. I enjoyed every second spent to play this awesome game. 

As for this match..Got killed twice in mid,was 0/2 early game,my teammates thought I was stressed due to that,but strangely enough,I wasn't panicking,'cuz I knew I had this lane in the bag. Surely enough,for the course of the game,I died only one more time but killed 31 enemies. Not to mention this was the game where I had multiple double/triple/quadra kills on separate occasions like,literally. I think I had 3 triple kills,2 quadra kills and a multitude of double kills which I lost count of.

Either way,I wouldn't be arrogant enough to say that I carried the game which was untrue. Good team,as always! ... Ciao,if you've been visiting the blog from time to time,thanks and maybe, see you soon,at the same blog!

BACK. August the 24th,2012. :)

Alright guys, after a long lazy break (AGAIN!?), I'm back!! (11/21/2012)

Saturday, 14 January 2012

Champ 1: Garen

Having fun with my the first champion that I ever bought in LoL. :)

Actually,I started playing League of Legends because of this champion,since his name is similar to mine,just that I have one more "r" (Garren). I downloaded the game without knowing what it was about,at first.

Later,I started by playing the tutorials they offered.I played as Ashe,and the map they used exclusively for the tutorial was quite cool if I do say so myself.

This reminded me vaguely of DOTA at that time,but I didn't mind,I just went through the tutorials . There were 2 parts to the tutorial,the first one teaching you the basics such as moving and raising your skills,and the second part of the tutorial was 'battle-training',where we enter Summoner's Rift to wreck some real havoc (to enemy A.I.s).

I was lucky ; Garen was one of the three champs which were available to use in the tutorial,since they offered 1 ranger,1 mage and 1 melee champ.

Of course,I chose Garen instantly and locked in.(This action would soon be known to me as insta-lock,which people claim to happen very often,but I don't see it happen that frequently)

Back then,last year,I was very fond of using Garen,and believe it or not,I averaged 20 kills and 5 deaths a game for a very long period. But  being the prideful guy I was, I started looking for a new champion when I heard people say that Garen  was easy.. and Pentakills for him were the norm . Although I knew that wasn't true, I chose to play other other heroes on a whim . Lets save the other champs for later,for now,its Garen's spotlight.

For me,I bought Armor Penetration runes and Magic Resist/Armor runes for Garen,to ensure late game survivablity on the latter and to maintain early game dominance(offensively at least).

So,I think I've done everything I can to give Garen the highest potential in game,the only thing lacking was my skills,which I hope I will have the motivation to polish in the near future.

Garen's early game is very strong,if not one of the strongest.He is also one of the champs you can easily score a First Blood with. When the game starts, buy a Doran's Blade and rush to the bushes on your lane (I don't go mid with Garen,who does?). When the enemy is foolish/brave enough to come into the bush to check,I start off with an auto-attack,immediately with a Q(Decisive strike). If my enemy isn't THAT tanky yet,most probably half of his life would be shaved off in half a second. And if I have a trustworthy lane partner,most of the time we get off with the first blood. :)

Early game,if I don't have an annoying lane opponent like Caitlyn,I would be very happy hiding in the bushes and waiting for unsuspecting foes to stroll by,unloading my Q and E on them simultaneously. If my laning phase isn't half bad,I'll have a kill with Q,E,exhaust + ignite.Which makes Garen OP early-mid game.

After enjoying a dominating early-mid game,I prefer going tanky for late game,since I already have enough kills,I'd like a lot of assists too.makes my score sheet so much more colourful ^///^.

Although I only had the luxury to try out the 'Tanky Garen' build only a few times,I'd say its quite satisfying,I love the feeling of  [Quote] People ulti-ing the shit out of me and think to myself "Meh,try again". - from a famous Garen player who wrote the guide 'Garen-Cry me an Ocean'.Don't remember much about it though,moving on.

As for now,I'm content with using Garen,I'll be looking for other tanky champs to troll people in LoL.I might come back and update on this post every now and then when I use him.Adios.

21 Jan game with friend (BernardNg)

Us getting blown out. :P

A dose of Ownage.8 doses to be exact. Lost 2 with each champ only to win the next 8 :D.

Didn't quite know where to post this since Garen and Mordekaiser were involved in this. In case anyone was wondering,yeah there are no other games that I played 'in between' these 9 matches. What makes this blog-worthy is that I lost my first 2 matches once with each,Garen and Mordekaiser. After that,it was a 7-game win streak. Feast your eyes on domination.

God this feels good.Seriously.I really felt 'legendary'.

Similar score to the match 2 pictures above this one. o_O